My first post dedicated to Parisian museums will deal with one of the most famous French sculptor: August Rodin.
Two years after the death of this innovating artist, the Rodin Museum opened gathering his bronze and marble sculptures. Centrally located in Paris, the 18th century’s private hotel Biron and its splendid garden was chosen by the sculptor himself to receive his work and private collection. Many of his sculptures including “The Thinker” are nicely displayed in the garden, proposing a romantic “promenade” to a cultural enchantment.
The visit of this museum is a treat you don’t want to miss while visiting Paris.
Two years after the death of this innovating artist, the Rodin Museum opened gathering his bronze and marble sculptures. Centrally located in Paris, the 18th century’s private hotel Biron and its splendid garden was chosen by the sculptor himself to receive his work and private collection. Many of his sculptures including “The Thinker” are nicely displayed in the garden, proposing a romantic “promenade” to a cultural enchantment.
The visit of this museum is a treat you don’t want to miss while visiting Paris.

Nearby “Les Invalides”, the museum is located 79 rue de Varenne.
Easy access from the metro: stop at Varenne on line 13.
Bus: 69, 82, 87, 92.
Bus: 69, 82, 87, 92.
Entrance fee: 6 euro (4 euro for student), family tickets available, entrance to the garden only 1 euro.
Winter hours (October to March): 9:30 am – 4:45 pm.
Summer hours (April to September): 9:30 am – 5:45 pm.
Summer hours (April to September): 9:30 am – 5:45 pm.
The Paris MuseumPass grant full access to this museum.